Thursday, February 10, 2005

Annual Examinations

24th is when my final exams will start (the mother's international school, class xi), therefore i might not be regular in posting. studies are going much better then before, monday is the atomic struct assgn., in the morning i read about british prince too, wonder what so relevent about it to our country that it got splashed on the front page as the main headline, should have been in the world page only, well bfn, got to study, and i also hope that my url redirection in doesn't get cancelled, i will correct it after the exams.


Anonymous said...

guess u had ur physics filler too? what happened

Subiet said...

hey trish, it was good, though i made a stupid mistake in reading a question but i answered a question regardin temp and color in a diff manner, using lambda*temp is a const instead of kirchoff's.